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Mobile Banking Security

EVB is Committed to Providing Our Customers Secure Mobile Access to Their Accounts.

We understand that you want to access your financial information regardless of where you are, and Mobile Banking provides this flexibility. To ensure this convenience still maintains the highest level of security, we will outline some of the ways EVB is protecting your information when you access from a cellphone, and some tips on how you can help protect yourself.

  • System Architecture: The same technologies we use to secure your information for Online Banking are in place with Mobile Banking. All of your sensitive information is stored behind our firewalls and our dedicated IT security team use sophisticated anti-intrusion and anti-malware systems to monitor our network for malicious traffic. Access to your accounts, whether from a computer or mobile device, is continuously monitored and if an incorrect password is entered too many times, the account is locked and can not be accessed from Online Banking or Mobile Banking without contacting Online Banking Support to ensure your account remains secure.
  • Encryption: When you use the Mobile Web or Smartphone App, the same level of encryption that protects your information in Online Banking is used for your Mobile Banking access as well. Remember that a 128 bit SSL key has over 340,282,366,920,938,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 possible combinations, and you get a new one every time you access Mobile Banking. With this level of encryption sophistication, you can feel just as comfortable transferring funds or paying bills from your cell phone as you would using Online Banking at a computer.

What can you do?

Standard Security

To ensure your accounts remain secure from initial enrollment through the use of Mobile Banking:

  • The Mobile Banking enrollment process is integrated to our secure Online Banking system.
  • The online enrollment process requires a unique code that is sent directly to the device to confirm the correct phone number before associating your accounts.
  • Secure information is never stored locally on your mobile device.
  • No personally identifiable information will be sent via SMS Text such as name, account numbers, PIN, etc.
  • Mobile Web and Smartphone Apps view truncated account numbers. SMS Text will reference your specified account nicknames, not account numbers.
  • EVB only sends Mobile Banking SMS Text from our shortcode 99588, if you receive a text appearing to be EVB from a different shortcode number contact us immediately at (888)-758-5646.
Your Phone

Below are some tips to protect your phone:

  • Take advantage, if your phone offers the ability, to lock the screen with a password, gesture, or PIN.
  • Beware of spammers trying to "phish" your information, never respond to a text asking you to verify your account information by responding with sensitive information.
  • Some downloaded apps may be malicious and have keylogging capabilities, make sure to inspect the permissions granted to apps and that they originate from a reputable source. Be cautious of free ringtones and free offers, as this is a common malware delivery tactic.
  • Do not store your banking PIN or other sensitive information on your phone.
  • Be conscious of others around you who may be watching you enter your password or "shoulder-surfing".
  • Mobile Anti-Malware: Smartphones are essentially miniaturized computers, explore available mobile anti-malware options.
  • Phones also have updates, which can contain security updates and patches.